Zero-ish Waste

About the Author

I am a regular person living in a regular American city who wants to reduce waste without investing a lot of money or time. Is it possible? Stay tuned, and I guess you’ll find out! And maybe I’ll be able to share some easy hacks with you so you can reduce your waste with even less effort. Doesn’t that sound great?

My Story

Hi, I’m Lauren, and I started this blog as a way of sharing my journey to significantly reduce the amount of waste I produce with family, friends and who knows, maybe a few like-minded strangers.

Some of my friends and family will be surprised to see me, of all people, trying out this lifestyle. I may or may not be addicted to online shopping, I do not think the outdoors is that “great,” I would never even dream of going vegan, and my garden consists primarily of weeds and old banana peels (story on that later). 

But lately I’ve been wanting to make more of a positive impact on the world. I first came across the idea of zero waste while perusing the self-help section of The Strand in NYC. I stumbled across a book on zero waste, read the back cover, then put it back on the shelf and went on with my day. But for whatever reason, the idea stuck with me, and I decided to read several zero-waste books I found at my local library when I returned to Milwaukee.

I love the idea of zero waste, but I am nowhere near as advanced or as dedicated as the OG zero waste authors, some of whom can fit years’ worth of waste into a single mason jar. Fortunately, the magic of the internet allows totally random, unqualified people to share whatever crazy ideas they want with anyone who will click. So here I am. I’m a blogger now, and I’m here to say “walk with me, new friend; let’s try this zero waste thing together.”

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